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Writer's pictureUrijah

The Righteous are Justified

Galatians 3:26 NIV

So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith

In the past some have told me, well Urijah I’m just a sinner saved by grace. And you know what, I would agree with them, it sounded good to me. But then I got to thinking, How can you be both? You are either a sinner or you are saved by grace.

Praise God that the truth is our sins are paid for past, present, and future. We have been made righteous. Our old sin nature is dead and we are a new creation. Equipped with Zoe, the God kind of life.

No longer am I going to identify as a sinner, No I am a son of the living God!

Now in Romans 3: 23-24 it says that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, unfortunately many like to stop there, however, it's not a period its a comma, the sentence finishes with verse 24 being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.

I discovered something fascinating in verse 24. In the Greek language they have more tenses than we do in the English language. In the Greek language they have something called the continuous present tense. In verse 24 justified is in the present continuous tense. Justified means declared Righteous.

We are presently continuously justified(declared RIGHTEOUS).

Let us press on and develop an unshakeable revelation of our righteous identity in Christ. At the cross Jesus took our place of punishment and condemnation and became the full payment for all our sin. All of us can now go before the Father with no guilt, no shame, and no inferiority, but stand before God as a son or a daughter.

We are Justified!

God bless you and may He continue to make Himself known to you.

Evangelist Urijah Phillips, Righteous World Ministries

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