Mark 11:24 NIV
Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

Rejoice, Rejoice, Rejoice! The Power behind this verse is extraordinary. Here we have an All Powerful, Unlimited, Loving God saying this to you. Glory Hallelujah! Jesus said that whatever we ask for in prayer, if we believe that we have received, it will be ours.
In Acts 12 Peter was arrested and thrown in prison. The Bible says that a group of believers gathered together and prayed for him. That night an Angel came and miraculously broke Peter out of Prison. Peter went to the house where the believers were praying, and he knocked on the door. The girl who went to answer heard the voice of Peter and instead of opening the door ran back and told the others. (Now let’s evaluate their response) She told them, "Peter is at the door" and they said “you are out of your mind”. Isn’t that interesting weren’t they just praying for Peter? So why were they surprised when Peter came knocking? Did they really believe that God was going to answer their prayer? I'd say their reaction says it all.
Here's the Point a lot of times we can pray just to pray. We can pray one thing and get up and go about our day in total unbelief. Some of us may even confess the exact opposite of what we just prayed for. There is no agreement in that. Our Father said to believe we receive and it will be done. It's interesting that God led Peter to this particular house, as if to remind them that God is The God that answers prayer.
There may be times when your prayer life becomes dull, and maybe even a little lifeless, but that ends today. Praise God, He is faithful to His word.Your Prayers are Powerful and Effective. Go ahead and say it with me "I believe I receive in Jesus name".
God bless you and may He continue to make Himself known to you.