Colossians 1:27 KJV
To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:
Oh how much God longed for the day. We can find in the book of Joel, God has a goal to pour out His Spirit on all Flesh. The moment you are born again you have been made alive in Christ. YES the Spirit of Christ is in you. The Holy Spirit fully God is in you, Hallelujah! Now let me ask you this, do you really believe it? A lot of times you can tell what people truly believe by their actions or through their words.
Changing a belief is easy but it’s also easy not to do. It’s kind of like learning a new language, after a little bit of practice you go from just a few words to a consistent flow. When I studied abroad in Italy, I really wanted to learn the language. I would have flash cards of Italian words, I also took some classes and I would constantly be repeating what I was learning. What's interesting is that there were other kids in the program with the same amount of eagerness to learn, however I was advancing at a higher level than the others. I realized that out of all the kids I was the only one who was staying with a host family and my host family did not speak a word of english. It was great all I heard was Italian.
Now if we are going to learn anything, how about learning to live by His Spirit in us. What does that look like in your life? Would you worry less or worry at all? Would you be a better witness for God? The list can go on and on the bottom line, in Christ we are VICTORIOUS in every arena of life. The God who can not fail is in YOU. As you continue to shift your thinking you are going to see God size results. I like how in Jeremiah it says " Is there anything too hard for God". No longer are you natural, no you are supernatural, the Holy Spirit lives in you.
"CHRIST IS IN ME" go ahead and say it a few times.
Write out some flash cards if you have to. Be eager to learn this truth, it's the best news on the planet. Surround yourselves with people who believe this and act on it. This is your inheritance, receive it in Jesus name.
God bless you and may He continue to make Himself known to you.